3D SingaporeGP 2012 2012 年新加坡 F1 夜间大赛期间的 3D 街头艺术。 Arte de rua em 3D durante o evento da corrida noturna de...
AR LelystArt 3D street art combined with Augmented Reality at LelystArt festival. To see the AR image appear you will...
3D Legoland Superheroes 英国温莎乐高乐园的 3D 街画。绘有乐高蝙蝠侠、超人和绿灯侠作为主角的变形绘画。 Pintura de rua em 3D na Legoland de Windsor, Reino Unido. Pintura anamórfica com...
3D Lego Lord of the rings 乐高指环王 3D 街画。华纳邀请我们参加美国圣地亚哥 Comicon 同人展,以绘制这幅乐高游戏画作。 Pintura de rua em 3D do Senhor dos Anéis da Lego. A Warner...
3D streetpainting Pac-Man 3D street painting made in Venlo, The Netherlands. Inspired by Arcade’s video game Pac-Man from the 80-ties. Pintura...
3D street painting Indiestad 3D Street art for Indiestad festival.Paradiso and Eastpak invited me to create a 3d street painting next to...
3D street art Wijnegem ‘Time to play’ 3D street art by Leon Keer at Wijnegem Shopping Center Belgium. This 3d street painting...
3D street art Kuwait 3D street painting in Marina Mall Kuwait. Design by Leon Keer Artists Leon Keer and Peter Westerink 3D...
3D street painting Raw Expo Rotterdam This 3d street painting in called: Virtual Transition. Especially made for the RAW EXPO in Rotterdam. The 3d...
3d street painting Dun Laoghaire, Dublin This first chalk festival in Ireland was organized by diffusion events on 20th and 21st of august 2011...