3D streetpainting - 3D streetpainting XL - Anamorphic painting - 3d Street Art - Magic City - Leon Keer - straattekening - straatkunst

Magic City ‘7 Sins’
anamorphic art by Leon Keer

Magic City – Sevens sins

Anamorphic painting on 3 walls and 1 floor for street art exhibition Magic City in Dresden. The dolls represent 6 of the 7 sins, in succession Lust, Greed, Envy, Pride, Wrath and Sloth. The anamorphic ticket office is inspired by the Coney Island Fair. You can strike a pose on the table next to the dolls, inside the grabbing machine or in front of that, in front of ticket office and in front of arcade pac-man machine.
Magic City is located in the Zeitenströmung Building in Dresden Germany. Expo from October 1st 2016 until January 8th 2017.


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