3D mural Staples Center LA combined with augmented reality What a great experience and such a unique location for my latest 3D mural (anamorphic painting) for Budweiser...
3D streetpainting Alita Battle Angel Anamorphic painting on wall and floor 3D streetpainting Alita Battle Angel by Leon Keer. Anamorphic painting on wall...
3D mural with AR Pessac France Once upon a time… Anamorphic mural created by Leon Keer and Massina during Vibrations Urbaines Festival in Pessac,...
Mural Rio de Janeiro Amor Amar Te Amo xxx 🙂 What more letters do we need, what more words can you create...
3D mural Detroit Eastern Market Urban Colonization 3D mural Detroit Eastern Market by Leon Keer. Seems like the water shutoffs and massive drainage...
3D mural Salo Finland 3D Mural on side wall of police station 3D Mural on side wall of police station in Salo...
3D mural ‘Shoeboxes’ Lynn ‘Shoe boxes’ A new transformation in the city of Lynn. Beyond Walls street art festival (www.beyond-walls.org). Thanks to...
3D Streetpainting Kunsthalle Munchen 3D streetpainting by Leon Keer Anamorphic floor painting for upcoming exhibition ‘Lust der Täuschung’ @kunsthallemuc in @fuenf_hoefe Munich...
3D mural Pow Wow Long Beach Dodg’em Go where you like… If you can 3D mural painting as part of the 2018 edition of...